Local Organizations



The Anna Civic Association is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, whose purpose is to:

• Provide community activities;
• Provide financial assistance to individuals and organizations through scholarships and donations; and
• Promote community goodwill.

The Anna Homecoming Festival is the Civic Association’s major activity provided for the Village and is their sole fundraising event.

More information about the Civic Association.

For more information:
Anna Civic Association


The Anna Garden Club was organized in 1995 as a way to beautify the Village of Anna. The club members plant and maintain flowers at various locations including the corporation limits, the Village Park, and large pots on Main Street.

Fundraisers include bulb sales, Christmas Greenery sales, and Cow Chip Bingo (held during the Anna Homecoming). We welcome and encourage persons interested in joining the Club or in supporting the Garden Club’s efforts to contact us.

3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM

Anna Community Branch Library
304 N. Second Street
Anna, Ohio 45302

For more information, contact:
Village Offices — 937.394.3751


The Anna District Historical Society is an educational organization whose main purpose is to promote and educate an awareness of the rich historical heritage that exists within the confines of the Anna, McCartyville and Kettlersville areas.

The Society's intent is to promote this awareness by means of meetings, historical programs, research, commemorative activities and tangible historical memorabilia. A museum may be established to further this purpose and to display acquisitions of historical materials which it may acquire.

Memberships shall be open to persons who are interested in the objectives of this Society and who are willing to aid and assist in promoting and encouraging the same.

Download Membership Form

Visit Our Website

3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM

Anna Village Hall
209 W. Main St.
Anna, Ohio 45302

For more information, contact:
Kathie Eshleman— 937.394.7251


The Anna Ladies Tennis League organizes league games throughout the summer for both beginners and advanced tennis players. Those interested in joining the league have until May 15 to register.

Singles and doubles are $15 per person and schedules will be mailed out upon payment of the entry fee.

Anna Community Park - Tennis Courts 
The park is located on East Main Street (SR 119) on the West side of the Village between N. First St. & Brookside Dr.
Anna, Ohio 45302

For more information or to register, contact:
Melanie Kuck — 937.394.3506


Utility Bills

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  payments can be made
  by debit or credit card.
  A service fee is charged
  for each transaction.

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Community Links
Anna Local Schools
Anna Community Library
Anna District
Historical Society
Anna Market
Shelby County, Ohio
Shelby County
Chamber of Commerce
Shelby County
Historical Society
Shelby County Recycling
The Sidney-Shelby
Economic Partnership
State of Ohio Government
Dominion Gas
Pioneer Electric
Century Link
NKTelco, Inc.
Time Warner Cable

Questions?   Please call 937.394.3751 or email admin@villageofannaoh.com.