Property Management & Policies


Snow Policy | Grass & Weeds Policy | Leaf Collection | Brush Collection

For more information about property maintenance and polices, please call:
Village Offices — 937.394.3751


During snow/ice events of two inches or more, vehicles must be moved to allow for plowing of streets for the safety of residents and others traveling within the Village limits.

On the even number day of the month, vehicles may be parked on the street where building addresses end in an even number; and on the odd numbered day, the odd side, where parking is lawfully allowed, until the snow is removed. In this way, within two days the whole street will be plowed all the way to the curb. Once plowed, vehicles may park on either side.

Upon the first violation, of the ordinance, the owner will receive a warning. Upon the second violation, he/she will receive a parking ticket, and upon the third violation, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Property owners are responsible for clearing all snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their property within 48 hours of the end of the snowfall or precipitation. The Public Works Department suggests that residents wait until the Village plows have pushed back snow to the curb line before clearing the sidewalk areas. This generally happens after the snow has stopped. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO PLOW SNOW FROM DRIVEWAYS AND WALKWAYS INTO THE ROAD. Remember residents/property owners are also responsible for their snow removal contractor’s actions.

Residents should also keep in mind that snow plows are designed to remove snow from the roadway to the edge of the road. It is likely that the plow will leave a window of snow in front of driveways. Residents are responsible for removing this snow.

The Public Works Department also suggests that residents make certain their mailboxes are set according to Village guidelines. (These guidelines are available at the Village Hall.) This helps prevent them from getting hit by the plows.

Storm Sewer Grates & Fire Hydrants 
The Public Works Department urges each homeowner to maintain the storm drain in front of or close to their home, keeping it free and clear of debris causing it to clog and not drain properly, which in some cases would create freezing water and/or flooding. Residents are also asked to clean around any fire hydrants adjacent to their property so they can be found in an emergency.


The Village Council passed Ordinance #1486-06 regulating grass and weeds within the Village. Village residents/property owners will only receive one written notice from the Police Department when in violation. Residents/property owners are considered to be in violation when grass and/or weeds exceed eight inches in height. If found to be in violation of this ordinance, the Village will see that weeds and/or grass are cut and removed. Such cutting and removing shall be at the owner's expense and the costs, together with an administrative fee of 20% shall be assessed against the lot or land. Such administrative fees shall not exceed $200.00.

Village of Anna Grass & Weed Ordinance


Leaf collection will begin the first week of October and will run through the second week of December. Leaves will be picked up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during this period.

To help provide efficient pick-up, citizens are asked to rake leaves with regard to the following:

  • Rake leaves to the curb line. On streets with no curbs, rake leaves to the edge of the asphalt.

  • Keep leaf piles free from stones, cans, trash, sticks, etc. These items can damage the vacuum equipment.

  • Make sure leaves are not piled under, between, or around parked cars.

  • There will be no spring leaf pick-up, so please get leaves cleaned up before the last week of collection.

NOTICE: There is no more disposal allowed of any yard items at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.


Brush will be picked up curbside every Monday and Friday from April 1st to October 31st, depending on volume.

From November 1st to March 31st service will be by call-in-basis only. Response time during these months will be determined by the workload and availability of Village personnel. It is advisable to allow a window of 3 business days for service.

To help provide efficient pick-up, citizens are asked to comply with the following:

  • All limbs shall be straight (cut off all Y-branches from main limbs) and placed at the curb with the cut end facing the street.

  • The maximum length shall be 6 feet and the diameter shall not exceed 6". Material that does not fall within these criteria will be left at the curb and a notice stating the reason for non-removal will be attached.

  • Small sticks and loose brush shall be bundled and stacked; a 5 gallon bucket or small plastic garbage can may be used to contain loose twigs.

  • Items prohibited for pickup include: garbage/refuse, non-organic items, lumber, construction debris, grass, garden vegetation, bushes, root balls and tree stumps.

  • During the dates scheduled for automatic pickup, the Village personnel will canvass the town only on the day designated for servicing. Be certain to have your items at the curb in a timely manner to avoid having to wait until the next scheduled pickup.

  • This Brush Policy is designed to provide a service to residents for general pruning and upkeep. Large volume cuttings, entire tree removals (by owner or contractor) and any similar (non-emergency) cuttings are not eligible for curbside service.

If you are unsure if an item is eligible for pick up, contact:
Public Works Department — 937.394.7363 or 937.538.0290


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  A service fee is charged
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Historical Society
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Questions?   Please call 937.394.3751 or email